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Pork Veterinary Solutions is a veterinary practice in New Palestine, Indiana (about 20 minutes south east of Indianapolis, Indiana). With 20+ years of experience in consulting all parts of the pork supply chain, we oversee the production of about 70,000 sows or the annual production of about 1.5 million pigs.


We love eating pork and are committed to consumer health and safety. We understand that customers rightfully have high expectations for their food and so we work with packers and farmers to address concerns with antibiotics, welfare and housing. We know that healthy and well cared for animals are the most productive pigs with the least amount of environmental impact.


With over 20 years of experience, our practice provides valuable expertise to clients. By observing, diagnosing, treating and preventing disease situations, we help clients manage the health related risks, which is the largest single cause of variation and cost in food related production. Our tried and true systems of production data analysis allow us to maximize output while reducing variation and disease in the process.


We believe in beginning with the end in mind. We work to understand each individual customer’s expectations and work tirelessly to meet those goals. The consumer should have the opportunity to educate themselves beyond current phrases like “organic” and “free range”. It is our mission to help the general public understand what those limitations cost in terms of welfare and quality of life for the animal.

Licensed and accredited in 8 states (including; Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas and Oklahoma). We have performed international consulting work in Canada, Mexico, Denmark, Netherlands and Poland.